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Stay-in Caregiver Package



  • Two (2) to Four (4) NC II Caregivers

  • Head Nurse Regular Visitation every two weeks for re-assessment and monitoring

  • Teleconsultation from company physician 

Easy, Fast, and Secure Online Scheduling

Our Role


(For Stay-in Caregiver Package)

  • To provide quality and devoted caregivers for each and every client. The service duration of each caregiver is 15 days straight duty. Caregiver transition will take place every 15 days, so there are two caregivers for one client.

  • To be readily available 24/7 in case of An emergency situation. The head nurse will take charge of directing and assisting the caregivers via phone call while waiting for the ambulance and medical team to arrive.

  • To give a complete training to our caregivers before sending them to clients. Evaluation must be performed to assess the readiness of the caregiver.

  • To schedule a regular visit to the client by our head nurse and discuss to the family the updates and progress of the care regimen, and address concerns.

  • To monitor the health status of the clients thru regular teleconsultation every month by our general practitioner. 

Your Role


(As the responsible family member of our clients –

your loved ones; for Stay-in Caregiver Package)

  • To provide all the necessary medical equipment for the optimal caregiving service.

  • To ensure that the equipment and environment of the client being served are free from hazardous and injury-causing materials. 

  • To provide a place where the caregiver can stay and rest at the client’s bedside

  • To provide our caregivers their meals at least

       three times a day during their service stay.

  • To secure that the important belongings must be kept away from the room of the client being served.

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